The Subtle Art of Hiring the Best

What does it take to be titled a Good Recruiter? If we had to answer, there would be a tie
between finding the right talents and filling vacancies as and how needed. By the right talent we
mean a candidate who fits not only the job description, but also the company culture. On the
other hand, filling vacancies as and how refers to the situations where recruiters need to fill
multiple positions, hire fast, or both at the same time. The recruiter who emerges successful in
both the processes is the one who has aced ‘the subtle art of hiring the best’.
Why is the hiring process essential? Why is the screening important? That is simply to ensure
that the candidate who joins the team can fulfill the tasks to be assigned to him/her. More so, it
is to ensure that this candidate can adjust in your company’s work culture. These things cannot
be compromised on, and some efforts from a recruiter’s end to ensure.
When involved in the process of hiring, following are some factors that they should account for,
to find the right fit-
● The job role they are looking to fill
● Employment type, i.e., whether you’re looking for a freelancer, part-time employee, a
full-time employee
● The time within which they must complete the hiring process
● Your company’s work culture
● The technical & soft skills required in the candidate
Here are some steps you can follow to be ace at the art of hiring the right candidate for your
● Create a clear and descriptive job description
● Have a uniform hiring process
● Take assistance from senior team members whose teams are required to be filled
● Create a mixed set of questions to test all relevant of skills
● Learn to read candidates’ body language
● Have reliable methods for background checks
● Have exclusive metrics to evaluate a candidate
● Have set criteria for task/test evaluation of the candidates
● Have your own way of interviewing based on their answers
Once you can integrate these tips into your hiring process, you will evolve as a recruiter. Your
qualities as a recruiter are also based on how well you can read between the lines of what the
candidates speak. How would you know that a candidate is the right fit for your company?
● Have a resume* screening process to find the right match of candidates
● Their technical skills match your vacant job role
● Evaluate their soft skills to determine their position
● Read their personality during the interview to fit them as your new employee
● Their past experiences have qualitative effect on the candidate’s current knowledge

● They have the ability and the urge to add value to your organization’s growth
While there are several loops that a recruiter must pass through to hire the best suited candidate
for your company. With our experience in the staffing industry, we have collated the
aforementioned lists** that will help you up the ladder. More so, we have put our experience
together to bring to you an AI powered staffing automation software that helps with easing out
the hiring processes for you. All you need to do is build your profile on our Dollar Staffing
website, tell us your requirements, and leave the rest to us. Meanwhile, you can get ready to ace
the rest of the hiring steps.

  • We will link the blog titled the art of writing a resume
    **We will link the blog titled Here’s what your next best hire needs – things you need from your talent.

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